Letras e Lucros
The largest virtual personal finance platform in Brazil.
‘Letras e Lucros’ is a website and digital platform that seeks to provide advice and financial support to Brazilian citizens on issues such as pensions, credit, investment and education. It uses a wide number of media to communicate with its audience, including videos, written articles, podcasts, and responds to direct questions through their website.
This project was commissioned as a brand upgrade to an outdated website with low responsiveness and very extensive architecture. Its objective is to look modern, global and digital. They also needed a revamped website that was simpler to navigate.
Project developed together with designer Daniela Heresi.

Old Logo
We first analyzed the previous logo and discovered that it can be improved considerably. The symbol graphics seem outdated and the typeface used is not the most appropriate for a logotype as it is better suited for paragraphs. We liked the tagline "com você" because it added a hand-drawn element that makes the brand seem closer to the user. Nevertheless, the client wanted to have a logo without tagline, so we started ideating with this in mind.


Main concepts
It seeks to break paradigms and be at the forefront of today's world of work.
In the philosophical sense. To consider that the best actions are those that bring the greatest well-being and happiness.
It is transparent, reliable and credible.
It is highly literate in its areas of action, both in hard knowledge and in the ability to transmit it.
It is up to date with advances in telecommunications and new media.
First logo and branding ideas
The first logo ideas were presented along with complementary graphics to put them in context and reflect the brand’s proposed identity. Advertising banner, business card, tote bag and an app login screen were created for each proposal.

Final logo and brand
The selected proposal features a playful logotype that uses typography to communicate the company’s innovative and up-to-date approach to personal finances and communication with the users. The green color is RGB friendly to emphasize its digital identity, while also being able to be replicated using PANTONE.

A website with improved usability and a smoother interface was commissioned. It involved the analysis of the previous website’s architecture and the proposal of a simpler way to navigate it and complete the desired actions.